DJVU The Ruby on Rails Tutorial 3rd ed. by Michael Hartl (Goodreads Author) iBooks how to free itunes without registering

DJVU The Ruby on Rails Tutorial 3rd ed. by Michael Hartl (Goodreads Author) iBooks how to free itunes without registering

DJVU The Ruby on Rails Tutorial 3rd ed. by Michael Hartl (Goodreads Author) iBooks how to free itunes without registering

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Book description
This book is a fantastic example of a learn by doing book. It is just about the perfect blend of explanation and exercises. What I appreciated the most was that it took a simple app (a Twitter clone) and treated it like a very real project. What that means is it covers everything including installation, development environment, source control, and testing. The tools it has you use are high quality but completely free, and theyre tools that one might actually use in a professional environment. As a guy who studied web development in college, and worked professional on a Rails project, and even done the entire Ruby series on Code School, I still found the content of this book very helpful. Its nature as an end-to-end tutorial meant many gaps in my knowledge were being filled in.The only drawback is perhaps that this is written assuming no prior knowledge. So while the topics get advanced quickly, there are spans that are going to great lengths to explain fairly basic concepts like SQL queries or CSS selectors. People with a good amount of experience might find these bits tedious, but I was able to get through just fine. Id recommend this to anyone who wants to learn Rails but doesnt yet feel comfortable starting a project from scratch.Michael Hartl has generously made this book available online for free:
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