DJVU The Rocker Who Hates Me by Terri Anne Browning buy english free german look

DJVU The Rocker Who Hates Me by Terri Anne Browning buy english free german look

DJVU The Rocker Who Hates Me by Terri Anne Browning buy english free german look

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Book description
LiamFrom the moment I set eyes on that brown eyed, little Italian rock goddess I knew she was meant for me. But my life was too messed up to give her what she needed. So I pushed her away—right into the arms of my band’s front man—only to regret it the second I saw them together. The moment they were over I tried to clean up my act and chased after that girl until she was mine. But like always, I let my demons screw with my head and went looking for my next fix. I knew if she found out I would have to choose between the numbness that the drugs gave me, and the best thing that had ever happened to me.I chose wrong. GabriellaThe second that I found out Liam was in a car accident that fateful New Years Eve night, I knew I’d made the worst mistake in not trying to fight for him. For us. I never should have pushed him away, but tried to help him through his battle with addiction. When he woke up in the hospital and saw me standing beside of him, I knew that I had killed the love he had for me and all that was left was hate. Now, more than a year later, I knew the truth about that crazy night. I knew why he’d pushed me out of his life, and I was going to stop at nothing to get the man who owns me—heart and soul—back.That is if I can survive the night…***Mature Content***
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