DJVU The Miracles of Exodus: A Scientists Discovery of the Extraordinary Natural Causes of the Biblical Stories by Colin J. Humphreys sale price value ios online

DJVU The Miracles of Exodus: A Scientists Discovery of the Extraordinary Natural Causes of the Biblical Stories by Colin J. Humphreys sale price value ios online

DJVU The Miracles of Exodus: A Scientists Discovery of the Extraordinary Natural Causes of the Biblical Stories by Colin J. Humphreys

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Book description
The Real Story of the ExodusColin Humphreys, a world-renowned Cambridge University scientist, reveals for the first time the concrete, scientific truth behind the Exodus miracles.The Burning Bush: Caused by a volcanic vent that opened up under the bush.Crossing the Red Sea: The water was pushed back by a very strong wind blowing all night. This is a known physical phenomenon called wind setdown. The details given in the Bible mean we can pinpoint where the Red Sea crossing occurred.Drowning Pharaohs Army: When the very strong wind suddenly stopped blowing, the water rushed back in the form of a rapidly returning bore wave, sweeping Pharaohs army into the sea.Mount Sinai: The real Mount Sinai is in present-day Saudi Arabia, not the Sinai Desert as is generally assumed.
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