DJVU The Master of Blue Mire by Virginia Coffman book fb2 online

DJVU The Master of Blue Mire by Virginia Coffman book fb2 online

DJVU The Master of Blue Mire by Virginia Coffman book fb2 online

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Book description
Children of DarknessWhen lovely young Livia Roy was sent by Captain Nicholas Brandon to the isolated manor of Blue Mire, she was warned that the two Brandon children might seem strange, their minds still affected by the mysterious violent death of their beautiful mother.But nothing could have prepared Livia for the hate in youthful charge’s eyes—or the growing signs they were in league with the evil that seemed to haunt this accursed mansion where so many already died. Could these angelic-looking children be spawns of Satan? And if they were, what kind of man then was their father, handsome and dashing Nicholas Brandon, whom Livia so helplessly loved and desperately feared?
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