DJVU The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries by Emily Brightwell text reading without registering read acquire

DJVU The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries by Emily Brightwell text reading without registering read acquire

DJVU The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries by Emily Brightwell text reading without registering read acquire

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Book description
This was an interesting premise for a period cozy. Mrs. Jeffries is the housemaid for Scotland Yard Inspector Witherspoon. She and the rest of her crew solve one of the Inspectors cases for him without his knowing.While credited as the first in the series I kept feeling as though I had missed something from a previous book. In some ways this is a credit to the author that she really developed her characters and their relations to each other. But at the same time I kept questioning whether this was really the first book.While I wasnt totally sucked into this first installment in the series I think I shall give a few more a chance before ruling this series one to continue reading.
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