DJVU The Florence King Reader by Florence King portable online fb2 audio read

DJVU The Florence King Reader by Florence King portable online fb2 audio read

DJVU The Florence King Reader by Florence King portable online fb2 audio read

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Book description
I was a bit concerend with the foreword being almost unctuous in its praise - but Ms. King lived up to the intro, and then some. Southern, smart & snarky - quite a combo! Dorothy Parker/H.L. Menken meets Eudora Welty was the main vibe I got (also reminded of Sampiro over on the SDMB) while reading this collection of fiction and non-fiction - ranging from a retelling of the Lizzy Borden case, to historical romance/soft-porn to essays on (fellow) misanthropes - all equally entertaining. I am definitely going to have to read more of her stuff!
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