DJVU The Double Dabble Surprise by Beverly Lewis pc read value kickass francais

DJVU The Double Dabble Surprise by Beverly Lewis pc read value kickass francais

DJVU The Double Dabble Surprise by Beverly Lewis pc read value kickass francais

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This is the complete review as it appears at my blog dedicated to reading, writing (no rithmatic!), movies, & TV. Blog reviews often contain links which are not reproduced here, nor will updates or modifications to the blog review be replicated here. Graphic and childrens reviews on the blog typically feature two or three images from the books interior, which are not reproduced here.Note that I dont really do stars. To me a book is either worth reading or it isnt. I cant rate it three-fifths worth reading! The only reason Ive relented and started putting stars up there is to credit the good ones, which were being unfairly uncredited. So, all youll ever see from me is a five-star or a one-star (since no stars isnt a rating, unfortunately).WARNING: Unhidden spoilers may be in this review!This was on clearance and I can see why! I picked it up because it looked like an interesting way to teach children about cultural differences and acceptance, but it turned out o be exactly the opposite - it was a classic example of American imperialism at its worst, assimilating and subduing cultures, and being patronizing and condescending towards people who arent lucky enough to be born American, and I refuse to recommend this or the series it begins. I had no idea that it was really a religious tract disguised as a childrens story.Abby and Cary Hunter are expecting new sisters - but their mom isnt pregnant. These sisters are coming from Korea. Why Korea, I have no idea. Were this story written in the late fifties I could see some sort of logic to that, but it was written in the mid-nineties. I would have thought there were other nations which had more of a problem with parentless children than Korea. And why Korea - as opposed to North Korea or South Korea? Its like the author didnt know the nation was split, or didnt care.Theres evidently been a mix-up, and instead of two girls showing up, two boys show up. For me this would have called into question the competence of this entire adoption operation, but Abby and Carlys parents take the boys in anyway, fully expecting to kick then out in three days when the girls arrive! Never once is any consideration given to what the boys are going through, Indeed, the boys seem neither tired nor dejected, neither sad nor nervous, and they speak pretty much fluent English. No problems here!Except that the girls dont take to the boys, who are named Sung Jin and Joon Koo. They wanted sisters. Seong would have sounded more realistic than Sung and Joon rather than Choo, but lets not get into pronunciations - theyre rather flexible anyway to we in the west. This isnt even the problem (not yet). The problem is that these boys are suddenly expected to abandon their entire heritage and become generic Americans, with no regard whatsoever for the religion they were raised in, or for their culture. Mom starts cooking barrels of rice every meal, like Koreans eat nothing but, and the boys are immediately assimilated. This struck me as odd at best, and insulting at worst.Seriously, why even try to emulate their traditional foods, if youre going to trample all over the rest of their heritage? Their own religion never is even considered. Theyre immediately assimilated into sentimental Christianity and prayed over as theyre preyed on. Its automatically assumed that they must be given western names. Joon Koo is shown to be fully in favor of ditching the name hes had for years, like its a disease which can only be cured with a good dose of Americanism! He wants to be called Jimmy.Later the girls discuss Sung Jin, asking if he will always have two names, and Abby settles it by saying, Only until he gets an American name - not even a western name, but an American one! Its like their real names are an embarrassment - something only an orphan would have. When someone asks how the boys are doing, theyre told that the boys are learning to pray for their food - not to thank farmers, but to thank the girls invisible, non-interactive god for it - and that one of the boys is reminding this god that hes eating American rice now - yes, italicized American! - because Korean rice evidently sucks!I couldnt believe I was reading this crap in a novel written in the mid-nineties. To me it illustrated the very worst that organized, blinkered religion has to offer, and it was nauseating to read. I flatly refuse to recommend any book like this.
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