DJVU The Dolphin Parent: A Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy, and Self-Motivated Kids by Shimi K Kang, Md read epub on ipad

DJVU The Dolphin Parent: A Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy, and Self-Motivated Kids by Shimi K Kang, Md read epub on ipad

DJVU The Dolphin Parent: A Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy, and Self-Motivated Kids by Shimi K Kang, Md read epub on ipad

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Book description

Book description
In The Dolphin Parent, Harvard-trained psychiatrist, expert in human motivation, and mother of three Dr. Shimi Kang provides a guide to the art and science of inspiring children to develop their own internal drive and lifelong personal aspirations.Drawing on the latest neuroscience and behavioral research, Dr. Kang transcends cultural limits and shows why authoritarian “tiger parents” and permissive “jellyfish parents” actually hinder self-motivation. She proposes a powerful new and universal parenting model: the intelligent, strong, joyful, and highly social dolphin. Dolphin parents focus on maintaining balance in their children’s lives to compassionately, yet authoritatively guide them toward the key 21st century skills of “CQ”—creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.Combining irrefutable science with unforgettable real-life stories from around the world, The Dolphin Parent walks readers through Dr. Kang’s four-part method for cultivating self-motivation. As the fifth child of immigrant parents who struggled to give their children the “best” in life—Dr. Kang’s mother could not read and she was never enrolled in a single extra-curricular activity—she argues that by trusting our deepest natural intuition about what is best for our kids, we will allow them to develop key traits of adaptability, community-mindedness, and CQ to empower them to thrive in our increasingly competitive and complex world.
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