DJVU The Complete Buddy Bradley Stories from Hate Comics, Vol. 2: Buddy Does Jersey, 1994-1998 by Peter Bagge store free djvu information bookshop

DJVU The Complete Buddy Bradley Stories from Hate Comics, Vol. 2: Buddy Does Jersey, 1994-1998 by Peter Bagge store free djvu information bookshop

DJVU The Complete Buddy Bradley Stories from Hate Comics, Vol. 2: Buddy Does Jersey, 1994-1998 by Peter Bagge store free djvu information

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Book description
I last followed the exploits of Buddy Bradley in Bagge’s first collected volume of his series Hate, entitled Buddy Does Seattle. Being a denizen of the Emerald City myself, I found Buddy’s adventures to be hilarious send-ups of the 90s grunge scene that made my city the top of the hot list for all those years. Buddy was a riotous spoof of the disaffected slacker-turned-hipster-wannabe who came to Seattle to slum it. Whether it be his on-again off-again sordid relationship with the sex and attention-starved Lisa, or his creepy roommate Stinky (who sleeps in the pantry), Buddy’s life was anything but boring. In this his second collected volume, Buddy Does Jersey, Buddy returns home to the Garden State with Lisa in tow. And even though they initially have no intention of staying, they wind up moving into his parents’ house. Which begs the question of what is more pathetic: Being a twenty-something slacker barely scraping by in a big city, or returning to the nest, so to speak? A moot point, perhaps. Although I was initially hesitant about Bagge returning Buddy to his roots, I quickly found these misadventures to be just as wickedly funny as his sojourns here in Seattle. Buddy’s latest woes include: the return of his even-more-of-a-slacker brother Jay, Stinky’s arrival in Jersey (which ends calamitously), Lisa’s increasing instability, his wicked family members (his sister Babs, her awful kids, and her deranged and greasy-haired ex), not to mention his recovering narc of a neighbor. Oh, and imagine going to a strip club with your ailing father, whose heart is just about to give out while his face is planted within the bosom of a stripper. That in a nut-shell sums up Buddy’s crazy life back on the East Coast.While Bagge has admittedly hung-up the mantle of penning and drawing Buddy Bradley’s exploits – all good things…, as they say – I feel lucky to be able to enjoy reading about his on-going misadventures in these handsomely collected volumes, courtesy of local indie publisher Fantagraphics. Amen.
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