DJVU The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader by Jonathan Xavier Inda (Editor) online format kickass phone german

DJVU The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader by Jonathan Xavier Inda (Editor) online format kickass phone german

DJVU The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader by Jonathan Xavier Inda (Editor) online format kickass phone german

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Book description
Updated with a fresh introduction and brand new selections, the second edition of The Anthropology of Globalization collects some of the decades finest work on globalization, focusing on the increasing interconnectedness of people around the world, and the culturally specific ways in which these connections are mediated. Provides a rich introduction to the subjectGrounds the study of globalization ethnographically by locating global processes in everyday practiceAddresses the global flow of capital, people, commodities, media, and ideologiesOffers extensive geographic coverage: from Africa and Asia to the Caribbean, Europe, and North AmericaUpdated edition includes new selections, section introductions, and recommendations for further reading
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