DJVU Sucking Bites by Jessica McBrayer (Goodreads Author) download book free pdf

DJVU Sucking Bites by Jessica McBrayer (Goodreads Author) download book free pdf

DJVU Sucking Bites by Jessica McBrayer (Goodreads Author) download book free pdf

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Book description
Lily Goodwill, the vamp with a heart of gold, gets a disturbing call on the Suicide Prevention Hotline. A hysterical caller is convinced a werewolf is breaking into his house. Lily dispatches the appropriate services, convinced that “someone is off their meds.” Oh, that it were true.Soon enough, Lily is fighting for her life against a hairy beastie. She is supported by her almost-fiancé, the brooding French vampire, Sebastian, who adores the ground she walks on, and Aidan, the 5,000 year-old vampire-hunting jinni, who scarfs energy for breakfast and believes he’s waited his entire existence—for Lily. Her best friends and housemates - vampires, a demon and a hell hound - rally to her side as the odds stack up against her. A conniving vampire Queen, a witch bent on seduction and a determined assassin with a contract on Lily’s undead life round out a season in the City by the Bay.
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