DJVU Submission to Desire by Leah Brooke txt online look spanish ios

DJVU Submission to Desire by Leah Brooke txt online look spanish ios

DJVU Submission to Desire by Leah Brooke txt online look spanish ios

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Book description
Brenna Nelson roars into Desire, Oklahoma, for the express purpose of giving the owners of Club Desire a piece of her mind.Shes suffered pain, fear, and even the loss of her job at the hands of one of their trainees, and she places the blame directly on their shoulders.Trust doesnt come easy for her, but their concern for her, and outrage at what their club member has done to her, eases some of her fears.Before she knows it, Royce Harley and King Taylor ensconce her on their floor at the club and shes signed a contract to become a submissive at their hands for a month and then to be auctioned to live out her wildest fantasies.The sexual journey Royce and King take her on, though, proves more powerful than she anticipated, and proves to her that she is right where she belongs.
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