DJVU Slim for Life: The Ultimate Health and Detox Plan by Gillian McKeith torrent read offline audio text

DJVU Slim for Life: The Ultimate Health and Detox Plan by Gillian McKeith torrent read offline audio text

DJVU Slim for Life: The Ultimate Health and Detox Plan by Gillian McKeith torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
From the bestselling author of You Are What You EatSlim for Life is more than a diet book?it?s a whole new way of thinking about food and health. Drawing on the same expertise that brings Olympic athletes and Hollywood stars to her nutrition clinic in London, Dr. Gillian McKeith lays out a 28-day plan for flushing away bad habits and establishing new eating patterns that will keep you thin and healthy for life. Packed with detailed eating plans, practical tips, relevant nutritional information, strategies for avoiding backtracking, and lush, full- color photographs, Slim for Life is the all-in-one road map to a whole new you.
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