DJVU Sinister Sprinkles by Jessica Beck txt ibooks iphone

DJVU Sinister Sprinkles by Jessica Beck txt ibooks iphone

DJVU Sinister Sprinkles by Jessica Beck txt ibooks iphone

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Book description
Just in time for the Winter Festival, a glistening layer of snow has covered the streets of April Springs, North Carolina. Of course, it reminds donut shop owner Suzanne Hart of sweet delicious frosting. But her visions of sugar plums plummet when her exs ex-girlfriend gets iced …If you like donuts—and who doesnt?—youll love this mystery series.—Leslie Meier Suzanne could never understand why her ex-husband and actor Max cheated on her with Darlene Higgins. Why Darlenes body was found wearing another womans clothes is an even bigger mystery. Now Max is suspected of murder—and Suzanne is sifting through her mixed-up love life looking for clues. If she cant sprinkle evidence on her half-baked theories of whodunit, Max is as good as fried….
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