DJVU Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny by Lillian Hoban read itunes how read fb2 macbook

DJVU Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny by Lillian Hoban read itunes how read fb2 macbook

DJVU Silly Tilly and the Easter Bunny by Lillian Hoban read itunes how read fb2 macbook

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Book description
What? Silly Tilly forgot what he was looking for.Why? Silly Tilly is forgetful. - Her glasses- What she is looking for- Where she is going- cant remember why she is making tea. and she forget who it is for.silly tilly mole woke up one morning.she sniffed the wind.i smell jelly beans,she said.she sniffed the wind must be easter, and i forgot to remember.tilly heard a thump on her front is the easter bunny,she saidhe is bringing me my easter basket.i will ask him in for a cup of tea.first i will put on my easter boonnet.tilly reached for her glasses.she could not find them.oh dear, she said.i forgot to remember where i put my glasses. dont go away, Mr. Bunny,she called. tilly looked under the bed. she could not see without her glasses, and she forgot to remember what she was looking for.i will light a candle,said silly tilly.then i will see what i am looking for.tilly hurried downstairs to get a candle.but she could not see.she bumped into a that you, Mr. Bunny?she asked the chair. do sit down.i will make a cup of tea for you while i try to remember what i am looking for. tilly scurried to the stove to get the teapot. but she forgot where she was going. she went to the window and got a flowerpot is my easter bonnet, she said.she put the flowerpot on her head. thank goodness,said silly tilly.i have found my easter bonnet. now we can have our tea!she hurried to the table to get the teacups.oh, dear,said tilly, i have hurried so much and scurried so much, i am in a tizzy. i cant remember why i am making tea. and i forget who it is for. i must sit down and think.just as tilly sat down, there was another loud thump on her front goodness! she said. what a very loud thump! i wonder who it could be?tilly jumped up. as she did, her glasses slid right onto her nose. she could see! oh, how nice! she said here are my glasses! now i remember what i was looking for. Mr. Bunny, she called, are you still there?she hurried over to the chair. oh, dear, she said.he isnt here. he forgot to leave my easter basket, and he didnt remember his tea. THUMP! THUMP! WHACK!the front door flew open. tilly mole, called Mr. Bunny, i have brought your easter basket!i thought you forgot to remember, said tilly.i would not forget, said the easter bunny.this is my job.the easter bunny hopped into the house. what a nice easter bonnet, said Mr. Bunny.what a nice easter basket, said tilly mole.she could see pink and purple jelly beans,little candy easter eggs, a small chocolate bunny, and a tiny yellow chick.tilly and the easter bunny ate some jelly beans with their tea.and silly tilly mole said, i am so glad you did not forget to remember it is easter!
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