DJVU Showdown by Jorge Amado download text story epub sale

DJVU Showdown by Jorge Amado download text story epub sale

DJVU Showdown by Jorge Amado download text story epub sale

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Book description
Among my five hundred or so reviewed books here at goodreads is one by Jorge Amado when he was still young and starting to write. I forgot the novels title but I think it was one of his earliest works, if not his very first. I didnt like it.This one is a work of his in his old age. He had lost his unique narrative voice. One may even suspect if he really wrote this, or all of it, or if someone passed this off as his own for profit. There are still women here, sex and whores but the magic of Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon and Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands is gone.
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