DJVU Self Taught Chess For Beginners And Intermediates by Milton Finkelstein download book how download view library

DJVU Self Taught Chess For Beginners And Intermediates by Milton Finkelstein download book how download view library

DJVU Self Taught Chess For Beginners And Intermediates by Milton Finkelstein download book how download view library

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Book description

Book description
Very well written with a number of excellent ideas. The book is structured in such a way where it tells you about the pieces and how they move and then goes on to tell you about instructional games that you can replay. It includes annotations on the games and pictures of where the pieces are just in case you need a visual aid.I only have one real issue with this book, and that is not the fault of the author. You see, this book was written in 1975 and it uses old chess notations. Luckily it has this thing in the beginning that shows you how they name the squares for each move. It still gets a little confusing since I am used to using the board itself as reference rather than the position relative to each sides starting point.Some of the games arent listed in the Chess Game Database that I happen to have, and I didnt feel like looking them up on the internet. So what I did was replay that particular game.I probably wont read this book again. Nothing against the author, but there is really no point unless I want to see his annotations again.
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