DJVU Scarlett Undercover by Jennifer Latham (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

DJVU Scarlett Undercover by Jennifer Latham (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

DJVU Scarlett Undercover by Jennifer Latham (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

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Book description
A voice-driven mystery perfect for fans of Veronica Mars.Meet Scarlett, a smart, sarcastic, kick-butt, Muslim American heroine, ready to take on crime in her hometown of Las Almas. When a new case finds the private eye caught up in a centuries-old battle of evil genies and ancient curses, Scarlett discovers that her own family secrets may have more to do with the situation than she thinks -- and that cracking the case could lead to solving her fathers murder.Jennifer Latham delivers a compelling story and a character to remember in this one-of-a-kind debut novel.
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