DJVU Satans Rock by Marilyn Ross reader original djvu via free

DJVU Satans Rock by Marilyn Ross reader original djvu via free

DJVU Satans Rock by Marilyn Ross reader original djvu via free

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Book description
Does Lucy Ashtons fiance pursue her for her love -- or her life? Lucy Ashton had always laughed at the ancient legend of Satans Rock. But after surviving several near-fatal accidents, she gives greater credence to the story of a ghostly figure sworn to kill anyone who dares unearth the treasure hidden in the murky mansion. Horrified, Lucy realizes that someone -- or something -- is out to destroy her. Who? Why? Could it be her stepfather? Or the mysterious stranger who invades Satans Rock to hunt for gold? Terrified, Lucy turns to the one person she trusts -- her fiance. As she looks into his eyes, she sees a glitter -- not of love, but of greed...
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