DJVU Santas Twin by Dean Koontz free eng format epub review

DJVU Santas Twin by Dean Koontz free eng format epub review

DJVU Santas Twin by Dean Koontz free eng format epub review

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Book description
A contemporary Christmas classic for childrenof all ages -- including those who pretend to have grown up!Charlotte and Emily are determined to save Santa from his mischievous twin -- Bob Claus -- who has not only stolen Santas sleigh and stuffed his toy bag full of mud pies, cat poop, and broccoli, but has also threatened to turn Donner, Blitzen, and the others into reindeer soup!How the brave but foolhardy sisters fly to the North Pole and rescue Santa from his deeply troubled twin is an utterly charming and unforgettable story sure to add sparkle to your holiday season.Read it aloud, preferably to someone you love to hear laugh!This perennial yuletide favorite was written by bestselling novelist Dean Koontz in 1996 at the request of his fans and has been pleasing readers every holiday season since. Winner of an Atlantic Monthly fiction competition while he was just a senior in college, Koontz today is a world-famous author whose books have been published in thirty-eight different languages and have sold more than three hundred million copies.Lavishly illustrated with spectacular paintings by Phil Parks, this thoroughly modern masterpiece breathes new life and warmth into the worlds most beloved legend.
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