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Book description
Tony is thrilled to be visiting his cousin Addison for the summer. He especially wants to visit the beach. But his cousin and her family live in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill has forced the closure of the beach. Tony and Addison are horrified when, Roscoe, Addisons dog, finds an oil-covered pelican on the beach. With the help of Addisons parents and a local rescue operation, the pelicans are cleaned and released into an uncontaminated ecosystem.This book gives the reader a glimpse into the devastation caused by the oil spill. The writing does a good job of sounding like a child facing something he/she doesnt really understand. The illustrations also have a very childlike feel to them, which I think, is the point. The book seems like it could have been written and illustrated by a child, giving a childs point-of-view.
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