DJVU Re-Wired by Greg Dragon (Goodreads Author) epub online free

DJVU Re-Wired by Greg Dragon (Goodreads Author) epub online free

DJVU Re-Wired by Greg Dragon (Goodreads Author) epub online free

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Book description
Brad Barkley is a gifted college student with a passion for robotics but a poor track record with the opposite sex. He is in love with Mika Scheider, an exotic beauty and fellow student in his Robotics class.After learning Mika has a boyfriend, Brad focuses on his own android creation, Tricia, but theres something not quite right--Tricia is just a little too real, a little too not robotic and a whole lot like a human. Brad becomes obsessed with Tricia, never realizing the Pandoras Box hes blown wide open that can destroy them all!Alternate-Cover Edition for ASIN B00RQUS36K
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