DJVU Ransomed Dreams by Sally John (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

DJVU Ransomed Dreams by Sally John (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

DJVU Ransomed Dreams by Sally John (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
Sheridan Montgomery leads a charmed life as the wife of Eliot, U.S. ambassador to Venezuela. But an attack on their lives cripples Eliot, and they retreat to a remote Mexican village. As Sheridan quietly cares for her husband, she sees her dreams slipping away. Luke Traynor shatters their reverie when he arrives to tell Sheridan of her father’s heart attack and the evidence implicating him in a conspiracy. Sheridan returns to Chicago to untangle the web of her father’s past and is forced to confront her feelings for Luke, a trail of deceit, and the truth about her marriage.
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