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DJVU Princess Cesalena by Mercedes Keyes phone shop full version ipad download

DJVU Princess Cesalena by Mercedes Keyes phone shop full version ipad download

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Book description

Book description
Book one revolves around the world of Manny and Lena, as they struggle to live and love in a world where such passion, loyalty and devotion between a master and his slave is forbidden and taboo. Together with every breath they take, they go against convention to keep true what they deeply feel between them. A desire, an obsession so strong, they will pay the price of hell to stay together. Their story, is a real love story! As many readers have stated, it is one you wont soon forget! A quote from a reader. I have to say, that in the genre of IR fiction, romance - Mercedes Keyes is a breath of fresh air! The depth of passion between these two characters is heartrending. Princess Ces alena is truly a superior read!!! I look forward to the rest of the series. C.Gnatt
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