DJVU Pride and Pinstripes: The Yankees, Mets, and Surviving Lifes Challenges by Mel Stottlemyre writer offline author sale download

DJVU Pride and Pinstripes: The Yankees, Mets, and Surviving Lifes Challenges by Mel Stottlemyre writer offline author sale download

DJVU Pride and Pinstripes: The Yankees, Mets, and Surviving Lifes Challenges by Mel Stottlemyre writer offline author sale download

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Book description

Book description
Long considered one of the most underappreciated Yankee greats, Mel Stottlemyre was only 22 in 1964 when he got signed to the Yankees, and quickly became one of their star pitchers–pitching in the World Series in 1964, his first year out. After retiring in 1974, he went on to work with the Seattle Mariners, New York Mets, and Houston Astros, and finally the New York Yankees in 1996, until his retirement in 2005. Stottlemyres sons Todd and Mel, Jr. both followed in their fathers footsteps, becoming star pitchers themselves, continuing a great Stottlemyre legacy that has made the name synonymous with powerhouse pitching. In this, his first autobiography, Stottlemyre will take us behind the scenes, to the golden age of baseball, through almost five decades of Major League behind–the–scenes stories.
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