DJVU Practical Widow to Passionate Mistress by Louise Allen (Goodreads Author) book txt online

DJVU Practical Widow to Passionate Mistress by Louise Allen (Goodreads Author) book txt online

DJVU Practical Widow to Passionate Mistress by Louise Allen (Goodreads Author) book txt online

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Book description
From servants quarters to masters bedroom!Meg eloped to escape her reverend fathers iron rule. Now widowed, shes desperate to return to her sisters. When Major Brandon is left unconscious on the Bordeaux docks, Meg grabs her chance--posing as his wife, she boards a ship to England.Meg might have saved his life, but does she have to be so bossy--or downright irresistible? Years of killing weighing heavily on his soul, Ross has nothing to offer as a husband, but he can make Meg his housekeeper--with access to the masters bedroom!
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