DJVU Poverty From the Wealth of Nations: Integration and Polarization in the Global Economy since 1760 by M. Shahid Alam iphone prewiew how to download macbook

DJVU Poverty From the Wealth of Nations: Integration and Polarization in the Global Economy since 1760 by M. Shahid Alam iphone prewiew how to download macbook

DJVU Poverty From the Wealth of Nations: Integration and Polarization in the Global Economy since 1760 by M. Shahid Alam iphone …

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Book description

Book description
M. Shahid Alam presents an analysis of the evolution of global disparities that goes beyond the earlier neo-Marxist critiques of global capitalism. He inserts two additional asymmetries into the global economy--those created by unequal races and unequal states. The author analyzes not only the power of markets, but the powers that shaped these markets. More importantly he demonstrates that loss of sovereignty retarded industrialization, human capital formation, and economic growth.
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