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Great commentary on the crustiness of political parties, the emergence and maintenance of political power. Makes a great foundation for current literature by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson (Why Nations Fail).Great quotes:It is not the principal aim of science to create systems, but rather to promote understanding.Democracy leads to oligarchy, and necessarily contains an oligarchical nucleus.With democratic mien he must descend into the electoral arena, must hail the farmers and the agricultural labourers as professional colleagues, and must seek to convince them that their economic and social interests are identical with his own. Thus the aristocrat is constrained to secure his election in virtue of a principle which he does not himself accept, and which his soul abhors. His whole being demands authority...Nevertheless, since he recognizes that in the democratic epoch by which he has been overwhelmed he stands alone with this political principle, and that by its open advocacy he could never hope to maintain a political party, he dissembles his true thoughts, and howls with the democratic wolves in order to secure the coveted majority.The democratic external form which characterizes the life of the political parties may readily veil from superficial observers the tendency towards aristocracy......the pathology of the crowd. The individual disappears in the multitude, and therewith disappears also personality and sense of responsibility.For technical and administrative reasons, no less than for tactical reasons, a strong organization needs an equally strong leadership...For democracy, however, the first appearance of professional leadership marks the beginning of the end.All power thus proceeds in a natural cycle: issuing from the people, it ends by raising itself above the people....establishing his strength with the weapon of his indispensability....among the citizens who enjoy political rights the number of those who have a lively interest in public affairs is insignificant. Though it grumbles occasionally, the majority is really delighted to find persons who will take the trouble to look after its affairs.The crowd always submits willingly to the control of distinguished individuals.
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