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DJVU Poison by Sara Poole (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

DJVU Poison by Sara Poole (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

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Book description
This book is probably a 2.5 star for me. I enjoyed the overall story, and the main character is very likable, but the authors writing style made it very hard for me to get through this book. I felt the flow of the story was disjointed, like one scene didnt always flow into the next. I often found myself rereading the same passage to try and figure out what was happening, only to see the author explaining what was going on a few paragraphs down. She would often make references to things that will happen in the future of the story that are not contained in this book. Poison is the first of a series (only the first 2 books of the series are written), and the author is often alluding to things that I would assume will be happening in future books. It was distracting. There was also too much Catholicism in it for me. There is no way to get around that, since the story is about a girl who works for one of the Cardinals of the Catholic church in Rome, in the late 1400s. It just made me dislike the Catholic church and made me think that there is nothing religious about the church. Im not sure if Ms. Poole could have gotten away with leaving out some of the details about the church, but I think I would have enjoyed it more than I did if she had.Im not sure I will read the rest of the books in this series, even though I am very interested to find out what happens between the main character and her love interest. Ill just wait for the movie version to come out and tell me what happens. :)
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