DJVU Philosophical Problems: An Annotated Anthology by Laurence BonJour review reading pdf read sale

DJVU Philosophical Problems: An Annotated Anthology by Laurence BonJour review reading pdf read sale

DJVU Philosophical Problems: An Annotated Anthology by Laurence BonJour review reading pdf read sale

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Book description
Edited and assembled by one of philosophys foremost scholars in collaboration with a distinguished teacher, this introductory anthology offers bothclassic and contemporary primary source readings and schools students in developing distinctly philosophical habits of mind. In addition tothe fineselection of primary source readings, this anthology offers a unique array of pedagogical features that, together, form a roadmap for thinking philosophically. These features begin with an introductory essay, followed by chapter introductions and marginal annotations thataccompany the readings, and conclude with discussion questions and an appendix on writing aboutphilosophy.
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