DJVU Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends by F. Wesley Schneider (Goodreads Author) eReader itunes view windows download

DJVU Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends by F. Wesley Schneider (Goodreads Author) eReader itunes view windows download

DJVU Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends by F. Wesley Schneider (Goodreads Author) eReader itunes view windows

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Book description
Begin an adventure like no other in Varisia, a land of ancient mysteries and fantastic danger. Within this book you’ll find countless player-friendly possibilities as you explore one of the most richly detailed corners of the Pathfinder campaign setting. Will you indulge fortune as a Varisian wanderer, retake your tribal lands as a fierce Shoanti barbarian, uncover the secrets of a lost arcane empire, or fight to protect your peaceful home from dark magic and fierce monsters? The choices are endless, but youll find the ones that are right for you with this primer to an entire realm of adventure.Varisia, Birthplace of Legends presents a player-focused overview of the land, people, magic, and mysteries of the region of Varisia, one of the best-loved and most explored frontiers of the Pathfinder campaign setting. Every Pathfinder Player Companion includes new options and tools for every Pathfinder RPG player. These are just a few of the features you’ll find inside this book: A bold new format with new features, revealing more exciting topics, options, and inspirations every time you turn the page. A look into the lives of Varisia’s native peoples, the proud tribal Shoanti and far-traveling Varisians, with new ways to play members of both cultures. New archetypes, feats, equipment, and traits to make characters a part of Varisia, plus many that link to Adventure Paths set in the region, like Rise of the Runelords. A player-friendly map of Varisia, featuring major settlements, distances between locations, and hints at adventure sites to explore. A player’s guide for the Shattered Star Adventure Path, giving players everything they need to know to create characters ready to face this deadly new campaign.
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