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DJVU Owned the Badman by Hayley Faiman (Goodreads Author) tom kickass download pc book

DJVU Owned the Badman by Hayley Faiman (Goodreads Author) tom kickass download pc book

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Book description
COMING JANUARY 2016 - A Russian Bratva NovelHaleigh knows nothing of love. Raised to be no more than the ballerina her mother could never be, she eats, sleeps, and breathes dance. Then, when she is blindsided by the news that her parents have arranged for her to be married, she does as she has always done—exactly as she is told. However, despite the fact that the man she is to call her husband is a complete stranger, Haleigh cannot help but hope that maybe, just maybe, she will finally get the chance to know love.Maxim is not a good man. His strength is foreboding and his handsome features are merely a distraction for the dangerous person that lies beneath. When he collects a debt by way of a beautiful, ballerina bride, he relishes in the fact that he owns something so pure, so innocent—so undeniably his. Yet, Haleigh is better than he ever expected, and it is not long before his ownership begins to turn into something much, much more. But when the darkness of Maxim’s past comes back to haunt him, the illusion of love’s safety is shattered. Maxim’s demons seek to destroy everything he holds dear. Suddenly, being owned by the badman is worse than Haleigh imagined. In order to protect her, Maxim has to decide just how bad he can be, and if letting go is the best choice.** Recommended for readers 18+ due to graphic sexual content, violence, language and sexual abuse - possible trigger.*** This is book 1 in a series and a series standalone.
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