DJVU Origami Bonsai: Create Beautiful Botanical Sculptures From Paper [Origami Book & Instructional DVD] by Benjamin John Coleman macbook online ebook review look

DJVU Origami Bonsai: Create Beautiful Botanical Sculptures From Paper [Origami Book & Instructional DVD] by Benjamin John Coleman macbook online ebook review look

DJVU Origami Bonsai: Create Beautiful Botanical Sculptures From Paper [Origami Book & Instructional DVD] by Benjamin John Coleman

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Book description

Book description
Make beautiful origami flowers then arrange them into stunning bonsai sculptures with this wonderful origami book.By merging two iconic Japanese art forms—origami and bonsai—Benjamin Coleman sparked an exciting evolution in paper folding, and made a name for himself in both the origami world and on the Etsy landscape. Now, Origami Bonsai makes it possible for paper folders at every level to create Colemans unique botanical sculptures at home by folding delicate paper flowers and leaves and attaching them to natural branches. In addition to sharing his revolutionary paper crafting techniques, Coleman also shows you how to select natural twigs, branches, and stones—and how to assemble them into a lifelike finished origami sculpture. To help in the creation process the book contains detailed instructions and numerous photographs of both works in process and completed origami bonsai pieces that are sure to have you crating your own decorative origami art in no time.This easy origami book contains:Beautiful, multi-color photos and drawingsStep-by-step instructionsExplanations of dozens of folding techniquesA 3 hour instructional DVDFolding paper flowers is a great way for beginners to learn origami while still making an impressive finished bonsai sculpture. Even experienced folders will find new and original designs to add to their origami repertoires!Origami flower projects include:The Ficus LeafThe Berlin Poplar LeafThe Black Eyed SusanThe FoxgloveThe ButtercupAnd many more…
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