DJVU Numerology for Healing: Your Personal Numbers as the Key to a Healthier Life by Michael Brill read txt on ipad

DJVU Numerology for Healing: Your Personal Numbers as the Key to a Healthier Life by Michael Brill read txt on ipad

DJVU Numerology for Healing: Your Personal Numbers as the Key to a Healthier Life by Michael Brill read txt on ipad

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Book description
A unique approach to using numerology to identify life challenges and karmic lessons to heal emotional and physical problems• Provides a clear method for identifying challenges specific to your birthday and name• Details 185 health conditions and how to address the causes using numerology--from addictions and Alzheimer’s disease to thyroid problems, heart failure, and cancer• Offers guidance in understanding universal abandonment issues and how these affect our behaviorIn Numerology for Healing, Michael Brill combines numerology with psychology, quantum physics, and the concepts of gematria and reincarnation to create a unique approach to healing emotional and physical problems based on life challenges and karmic lessons. Humans suffer from a profound sense of abandonment when the soul is decanted from the Universal Oneness into the confines of a personality. Brill explains how this sense of abandonment manifests itself in two principal types of behavior: people work to be loved and appreciated for who they are, or they try to control and micromanage their lives and relationships so that nothing goes wrong. Both of these behavior patterns are exhausting physically, emotionally, and mentally and are clear catalysts for illness.Brill details 185 physical and mental health conditions and shows how to identify and treat the causes--from addictions and Alzheimer’s disease to thyroid problems, heart failure, and cancer. For instance, he reveals that, in general, illnesses beginning with the letter “A” (acne and alcoholism) have issues of self-esteem as one of the basic causes, whereas illnesses beginning with letter “G” (gallstones and glaucoma) are associated with a need to be in control, in relationships or at work. By using the numerology of your birth date and name, Numerology for Healing makes it easy to identify your positive and negative tendencies and characteristics and to use them as the key to achieving a healthier life.
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