DJVU My First Car: Recollections of First Cars from Carroll Shelby, Mario Andretti, Robert Wagner, Sir Stirling Moss, and Many More! by Matt Stone (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

DJVU My First Car: Recollections of First Cars from Carroll Shelby, Mario Andretti, Robert Wagner, Sir Stirling Moss, and Many More! by Matt Stone (Goodreads Author) ios online portable pc bookstore

DJVU My First Car: Recollections of First Cars from Carroll Shelby, Mario Andretti, Robert Wagner, Sir Stirling Moss, and Many M…

> READ BOOK > My First Car: Recollections of First Cars from Carroll Shelby, Mario Andretti, Robert Wagner, Sir Stirling Moss, and Many More!

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Book description

Book description
The author’s purpose in writing the book is to explain that your first car isn’t just another car. He wants to show why your first car is so special. He mainly explains that first cars are like your partner in crime and most likely stop any stereotypes. He mainly explains it through stories of celebrities and their first cars. His purpose in writing this book was to show the readers a collection of first car stories. The purpose was very clear to me and it can be found very quickly.The theme of this book is your first car isn’t just a car, it’s like your partner in crime. He gives a collection of great stories to back this theme up. Most people just look at their first car as just another car, which the author shows you the opposite. The author shows us how they aren’t just cars, they have also been through a lot with us. He proves our cars have always been there even in all types of situations. For others they were the start of a new hobby and got them hooked. Most of the car guys in this story saved or fixed their first car, which made it sentimental to them. Their first car grew with them and almost became a friend.The style this book is written in is narration. Each different story was chronological and gave great detail on what happened in each. This is my favorite style because you can follow along and almost be able to picture what they are saying in your head. In this story it allows you to see why they grew so attached to their first car. This also allowed me to find the theme and purpose so easily. I got to actually follow along on each celebrity’s journey with their first car. That was probably my favorite part about this style, it allowed me to almost be with them the whole way.I personally thought the book was great and would recommend it to any car enthusiast. I mainly liked the fact there were some familiar names in the book and the fact I could actually relate to some of the things they were saying. I also liked the fact there was a whole array of different cars, it makes you realize that you don’t need a fancy car for one to be sentimental. I didn’t really dislike much about the story, but I would have probably included more project car stories in this book. That’s pretty much all I can say was bad about this story. This story really wasn’t similar to any others I have read, the only similarity would be the fact it has to do with cars.
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