DJVU Murder of a Bookstore Babe by Denise Swanson (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

DJVU Murder of a Bookstore Babe by Denise Swanson (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

DJVU Murder of a Bookstore Babe by Denise Swanson (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
Who could be driven to kill by books and sweets? While school psychologist Skye Denison eagerly anticipates the grand opening of a new bookstore called Tales & Treats, many of Scumble Rivers most outspoken citizens want to shut down the owners before they even open and one is angry enough to commit murder...Dropping off some books at Tales & Treats, Skye trips over a toppled bookcase, which has crushed a woman beneath its weight. While police search for motives, Skye sees the messy aftermath of a half-baked plot to murder somebody else. Skye is juggling her own busy life, but when all the clues lead to dead ends, she turns up the heat on her own investigation ... and stumbles upon the deadly secret that got this bookstore babe done in. And if Skye isnt careful, the killer just might make her the sequel...
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