DJVU Ms. Bravo and the Boss by Christine Rimmer (Goodreads Author) read pdf on iphone

DJVU Ms. Bravo and the Boss by Christine Rimmer (Goodreads Author) read pdf on iphone

DJVU Ms. Bravo and the Boss by Christine Rimmer (Goodreads Author) read pdf on iphone

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Book description
BEAUTY AND THE…MAN WHOLL NEVER LET HER GO On paper, this should have been the perfect arrangement.  Elise Bravo needed a job, desperately. And soldier turned thriller writer Jed Walsh burned through—almost literally, it turned out—assistants like hellfire through brimstone. Turned out he had some…unusual work habits to go along with his giant talent and ego. He threw knives to relax. He cleaned his guns as he acted out scenes. And more than anything, he hated cats… Enter Elise, crack typist, master plotter and perfect for the live-in job in every way but one…two if you count Mr. Wiggles, her furry companion. For though Jed had sworn he would never get involved with a woman who worked for him, it took only a day or two with the perfectly professional, pencil skirt–wearing Bravo beauty to realize that he needed to keep Elise—in his bed, in his house and in his life. And the first step was building Mr. Wiggles a catio—because maybe there was more than one way for Jed to make Elise his.
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