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DJVU Miss Elizabeth Bennet by A.A. Milne fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

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Book description
A while ago I wrote, review to come. There is a lot Id like to say about this sparklingly witty play where the minor characters like Mr. Bennet and Jane are given a voice. However, it is all said very well in the blog, The Captive Reader. If Id written a review it would have expressed the same opinions but The Captive Reader has done it first, and better.The play was first performed, two performances only, in 1938. Its first radio outing was for the troops in 1944 (starring Margaret Rutherford and Arthur Lowe) and then it was revived by the BBC in 1967 which is this recording. It isnt brilliant quality but then it is nearly 50 years old. The book is very rare and expensive so I uploaded the audio file, here. I am sure that Jane Austen herself would thoroughly have enjoyed it.
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