DJVU Management Secrets of the New England Patriots: From Patsies to Two-Time Super Bowl Champs; Vol. 1: Achievements, Personnel, Teamwork, Motivation, a by James Lavin link italian free iBooks ipad

DJVU Management Secrets of the New England Patriots: From Patsies to Two-Time Super Bowl Champs; Vol. 1: Achievements, Personnel, Teamwork, Motivation, a by James Lavin link italian free iBooks ipad

DJVU Management Secrets of the New England Patriots: From Patsies to Two-Time Super Bowl Champs; Vol. 1: Achievements, Personnel

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Book description
The definitive account of the 2001-2004 New England Patriots. Analyzes the many success factors underlying the teams two Super Bowl victories in three seasons. Entertains with humorous, insightful quotations from players, coaches, executives, and owners while helping fans vicariously experience life as a New England Patriot. Management Secrets is essential reading for any serious fan of Bill Belichicks Patriots and anyone seeking to build a great organization. (Vol. 1 covers the teams achievements, personnel, teamwork, motivation, and competition. Vol. 2 to be published February 2005.) James Lavin earned his economics Ph.D. at Stanford, where he analyzed high performance work organizations (like the Patriots). He also holds degrees in: political science (Harvard, magna cum laude), economics (London School of Economics), and East Asian studies (Stanford). James grew up in Wayland, MA cheering for many lousy Patriots teams.
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