DJVU Magic Mansion by Jordan Castillo Price (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

DJVU Magic Mansion by Jordan Castillo Price (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

DJVU Magic Mansion by Jordan Castillo Price (Goodreads Author) online value kickass how download djvu

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Book description
Professor Topaz is tired of fending off advice that he should retire in Vegas where magicians his age have an easier time finding work.Ricardo Harts career has sunk so low, hes resorted to shaking his moneymaker at bachelorette parties.But theres a casting call for a new reality show called Magic Mansion that could change everything for these two gay stage magicians, one recovering from the loss of his partner, the other awe-struck by the presence of his idol. Each is poised for a critical second chance: at fame, and at love.Who will win? Step into the Mansion, and find out....(Gay Romance)
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