DJVU Listening to Your Life: Daily Meditations with Frederick Buechner by Frederick Buechner (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

DJVU Listening to Your Life: Daily Meditations with Frederick Buechner by Frederick Buechner (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

DJVU Listening to Your Life: Daily Meditations with Frederick Buechner by Frederick Buechner (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop

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Book description
This book has been my companion for 15+ years. One of my favorite entries is August 3, entitled Wine.I quote it here:****************************Unfermented grape juice is a bland and pleasant drink, especially on a warm afternoon mixed half-and-half with ginger ale. It is a ghastly symbol of the life blood of Jesus Christ, especially when it is served in antiseptic, thimble-sized glasses. Wine is booze, which means it is dangerous and drunk-making. It makes the timid brave and the reserved amorous. It loosens the tongue and breaks the ice especially when served in a loving cup. It kills germs. As symbols go, it is a rather splendid one.*******************************************
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