DJVU Line: An Art Study by Edmund J. Sullivan ipad download tom android view

DJVU Line: An Art Study by Edmund J. Sullivan ipad download tom android view

DJVU Line: An Art Study by Edmund J. Sullivan ipad download tom android view

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Book description
Written in 1922 by a noted illustrator and teacher, this guide introduces the basics of line drawing. British artist Edmund J. Sullivan, who merges the traditional style of nineteenth-century illustration with elements of Art Nouveau, begins by introducing readers to the freehand drawing of abstract lines and advances to the freehand drawing of natural forms, consisting mainly of plane surfaces or single lines.Subsequent chapters illustrate and discuss representations of the third and fourth dimensions, the picture plane, formal perspective, and the drawing of solid objects, including their depiction in shade and shadow, and their modelling. Additional topics include shadows, reflections, and aerial perspective as well as figure drawing.
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