DJVU Less Than Charming by Rebecca A. Demarest (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

DJVU Less Than Charming by Rebecca A. Demarest (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

DJVU Less Than Charming by Rebecca A. Demarest (Goodreads Author) read find phone selling value

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Book description
Handing Jack the book, I curled into a corner with my coffee and stared at the steadily darkening countryside outside the window. The sunset this evening wasnt even pretty, which I thought was unfair. The least our universe could offer, as we sped off to defend it, was something pretty to look at. Before I begin my review I want to disclose that I did win a copy of this book from a Goodreads giveaway. First off the world building in this novel is absolutely stellar. I was a little afraid with characters being alive in the world after being written and knowing they are fictional could get too meta but Demarest made her world make sense. She gave it clear rules and it was absolutely amazing and the concept alone pulled me into her book. I really loved her characters in this book, especially making Prince Charming the villain. He was a lot darker in origin than I would have suspected and I thought it worked really great. He was evil and dark but charismatic, even though you knew how bad he was you couldnt help but be (pardon the phrase) charmed by him. Using one of the princesses from The Twelve Dancing Princesses as the protagonist was a really smart move and I was so excited by it. I love that fairy tale but you hardly ever see anything at all about it. Of course this is by no means a retelling of the fairy tale, but I still loved Princess Sophia. She and Jack have great chemistry in this book. (Although I could do without them calling each other lover. I cant encounter two people calling each other that and not think of those SNL sketches with Will Ferrell and Rachel Dratch in the hot tub.)I liked the concept of how magic works in this world. It reminded me a lot of how Patricia C. Wrede describes magic in her Dealing with Dragons series. I love whenever an author describes how magic feels to the user. It just adds a whole extra layer that I really appreciate.I think the one thing I can say I didnt like was Fred. He kinda creeped me out with all his gross comments he made towards Sophia. She always laughed them off but if he wasnt a corgi then his comments would be predatory. I dont know, I could appreciate some aspects of his use in the story but not him as a character. No thanks. I was glad to read this is the beginning of a series because I am very eager to read more of this. Im so happy I found this book in the giveaway section of Goodreads because it was absolutely amazing and I loved it.
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