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Book description
World War I finally takes the stage. Described mostly with Marcels experiences in Paris, there are also letters from Gilberte and Saint Loup that detail the destruction and disruptiveness of the war at the frontlines. To everyone the war takes precedence, and anything that happened before the war seemed to have happened a life time ago. The volume mirrors that sentiment in a very concrete way: it jumps quite severely in time. It starts in Tansonville with Gilberte and Marcel around 1903 and ends a while after the war. Marcel has spent most of his time at an institution for his health, and when he returns more than 10 years later the world has changed. And so will Marcel. While visiting Gilberte Marcel reads a bit in a book by the Goncourts brothers, and what he reads makes him seriously doubt his own skills as an author and observer. Where as the Goncourt brothers notice surface details, the stories people tell the, what they were wearing etc., Marcel laments that he was never any good at those things. He’d always been preoccupied with the things that move behind the surface of people, their motives, their feelings, their thoughts. He feels it’s insignificant, that it’s not the sort of thing you write a book about. However, we’ve just spent almost four thousand pages reading that exact type of book. We’re nearing something here, an epiphany of his. It’ll take another 10+ years for him to reach it on his own, but we know that he does. That he’ll come to see the significance of observing what moves the human heart, the soul, the mind. It’s the hero faltering before picking himself back up. There’s a beautiful and terrible and poignant meeting with Charlus again. Charlus whose turned depraved and masochistic in an attempt to fulfill his own vision, his own desire. He is no longer the bombastic, eloquent, fascinating character we’ve come to know, he’s lost some of his uniqueness, he’s turn into a stereotype. He shows us the danger of letting the general eradicate the individual, and perhaps more important: the difference between being passionate and being artistic. The way in which you bring to life your vision is not unimportant. This volume (the entirety of it, not just the first part) is full of decay, of changes, of alterations and revelations. You suddenly realize youve come a long way since Marcel was a small boy in Combray. And youve got so little way yet to go.
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