DJVU Lair of the Jaguar God by Marie Dees (Goodreads Author) free kindle download amazon tom

DJVU Lair of the Jaguar God by Marie Dees (Goodreads Author) free kindle download amazon tom

DJVU Lair of the Jaguar God by Marie Dees (Goodreads Author) free kindle download amazon tom

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Book description
In the steamy Guatemalan jungle, Kit fights to prove his archeological skills while struggling with his attraction to the seductive Tony, who arouses feelings he is desperate to deny. Tony has his own secrets. A were-jaguar, he is still bound to the ruined Mayan city he once protected, but instinct draws him to the reluctant Kit. What power does this young man have over an immortal Mayan god? Will Tony find out before looters destroy the last remains of his ancestors, or will he lose everything, including a chance for freedom?
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