DJVU Lady Priscillas Shameful Secret by Christine Merrill (Goodreads Author) writer offline author sale download

DJVU Lady Priscillas Shameful Secret by Christine Merrill (Goodreads Author) writer offline author sale download

DJVU Lady Priscillas Shameful Secret by Christine Merrill (Goodreads Author) writer offline author sale download

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Book description
Outspoken Lady Priscilla is the only woman in London brave enough not to simper at Robert Magson. As the Duke of Reighland, he needs a wife and this captivating woman would surely keep life interesting!Despite the obvious sexual attraction between them, Lady Priscilla doesnt wish to marry—ever—for she hides a shameful secret. Surely a duke deserves more than a ruined woman? But once Robert sets his sights on something beautiful, he will do anything in his power to claim it!
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