DJVU Knowledge and Social Imagery by David Bloor iphone prewiew how to download macbook

DJVU Knowledge and Social Imagery by David Bloor iphone prewiew how to download macbook

DJVU Knowledge and Social Imagery by David Bloor iphone prewiew how to download macbook

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Book description
A. Synopsis: There are three major goals of this book. First is to describe the strong programme in the sociology of knowledge. Second, to explore a priori arguments and to bring them to the surface. By doing so, sociological hypotheses about science can be stated. Third, to show how mathematics and logic can be treated sociologically. This is the most difficult hurdle for the sociology of science. B. The strong programme’s four tenets1. Causal. What are the conditions which bring about belief or states of knowledge. Social causes are not the only kinds of cause.2. Impartial. Neither truth, rationality, or success are privileged over false, irrationality, or failure. Both sides require equal explanation and attention.3. Symmetrical. The explanation would be symmetrical in that the same causes would explain both success and failure.4. Reflexive. The patterns of explanation would have to be applicable to sociology itself. C. Hypothesis1. The hypothesis that must be rejected is that certain forms of science and knowledge can be treated as sacred.2. Bloor argues that we think about knowledge by manipulating images of society. Social images govern claims of knowledge. An example is the Popper-Kuhn debate. This epistemological debate cannot be understood without seeing it as a deep ideological concern in our culturea) Popper: The Logic of Scientific Discovery is about theory creation and the formulation of truth. Once a theory is formulated it must be criticized by empirical and logical test to try to falsify it. If it passes the theory stands for a while. If a theory cannot be tested to see if it is false, then it is not a scientific theory. The image of Darwinian struggle is important for Popper. Science is a never-ending struggle to attain truth where weak theories are eliminated. As a result, science can progress.b) Kuhn: The main focus of Kuhn’s analysis is the ‘paradigm.’ A paradigm will dominate a scientific profession for a while. ‘Normal science’ will be practiced by the majority of the scientists. But, ‘anomalies’ will eventually occur. When these anomalies mount to a critical point a Gestalt switch will occur, a revolution, and the paradigm will shift. The image of community is what pervades Kuhn’s work. The concept of a revolution periodically overtakes the community. c) This represents the classic debate between Enlightenment and Romantic ideologies. Popper is classified as an Enlightenment thinker. He treats science as the collection of isolated theories. He is interested in the timeless qualities of good scientific thinking. Kuhn is Romantic in that he always sees individual scientific ideas as part of a whole, a community, or a research tradition. d) Thus, the hypothesis is proven. Social ideologies and images govern epistemological debates. D. Sociology of mathematics1. It seems that mathematics and simple equations embody truths which go beyond sociological influence. This is the so-called ‘standard experience of mathematics.’ Bloor argues that sociology along with psychology can help us understand mathematical knowledge and logical thought. 2. We start with Mill’s Theory of Mathematics. He argues that physical objects, situations, and manipulations can function as models for various basic mathematical operations. Thus, mathematics is a set of beliefs about the physical world. 3. An alternative mathematics. An example of alternative mathematics is with variations in meanings attached to computations. Today the square root of 2 is a number. We call it an irrational number left over from a time when there was considerable concern about the number. This concern was that no fraction p/q could precisely yield the square root of 2. The Greeks argued that for arithmetic the square root of 2 was not a number (is was not a countable number). But for geometry, the square root of two could be represented as a continuous line (the hypotenuse of a right triangle). 4. The point is that certain sociological conditions (a collectively held assumption) alters the meanings of pieces of mathematics.
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