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Book description
This book is an important and original interpretation of the half-century friendship between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It shows how the two philosopher statesmen jointly worked out the philosophy of democracy in the clash of contending interests. It is a contribution to the history of ideas and to a fuller understanding of two political realists who founded their faith on the people and envisaged the American republic as an experiment in liberty.Miss Koch goes behind formal statements and outward events to reveal Jefferson and Madison in their fight for democratic but strong government, free of religious ties, unafraid of political criticism, protective of civil liberties, and dedicated to learning. She recreates the personal drama and re-evaluates the political and philosophic significance of their views on federal authority, the French Revolution, the two-party system, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the public debt, the Supreme Court, the Louisiana Purchase, the location of the federal capitol, and the support of education in a free society.To build this narrative, Miss Koch has mastered a wealth of unpublished materials from which she derived remarkable fresh insights into the origin and meaning of the American democratic tradition.
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