DJVU J. R. Ward Collection: Black Dagger #1,3,5,6 & Fallen Angels #1 by J.R. Ward fb2 bookstore tom book reading

DJVU J. R. Ward Collection: Black Dagger #1,3,5,6 & Fallen Angels #1 by J.R. Ward fb2 bookstore tom book reading

DJVU J. R. Ward Collection: Black Dagger #1,3,5,6 & Fallen Angels #1 by J.R. Ward fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description

Book description
This is simply a great series. You dont have to be a vamp girl or guy to enjoy it. Its sexy, and exciting. This series has a cast of charactors that keeps it reader loyal and wanting more. The great thing is, Ms. Ward (aka the Warden) delivers. This is the thing about the BDB series...the lives of the people in the book move on, and you get to read about it. Take her fictional king for example Wrath. His book was first (or the hook book) his story was perfectly lovely and ended with a happily ever after, until you get to book seven? Rehvs book, in this book you see that there is no such think as a happily ever after. (do you mean married/or mated couples have issues?) The reader learns about these vampires, sympaths, shadows, doggen, and chosen and learn to love them through out each book. This series is a good read, but if you think you can start from the newest one and go back you are wrong. Pick up dark lover first...It took me 6 weeks to read 8 books, and develop an addiction. How long will it take you?
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