DJVU International Adventures - Walking Miracle by Art Sanborn store online german torrent read

DJVU International Adventures - Walking Miracle by Art Sanborn store online german torrent read

DJVU International Adventures - Walking Miracle by Art Sanborn store online german torrent read

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Book description
I expected Walking Miracle to be a typical missionary story. I thought it would talk about what Art and Ellen have done in Asia, how they have overcome trials, etc. This book was so much better than I expected!! Art Sanborn shares his inspirational story of how he literally broke his neck. No one believed him when he told how he had held his breath underwater for more than a minute after his neck had snapped. The fact that he was alive was a miracle. But when he completely recovered his walking abilities and some feeling in his body, doctors didnt know what to say. It was impossible. God. Did. The. Impossible.This biography of Art and his wife is amazing. Their missionary stories and adventures in Asia are astounding. God performed so many miracles. Every chapter was a new miracle that happened. It took my breath away thinking of how much God did for him - a regular person like you and me! Art also has a creative way of writing. He includes bits of humor in his story that made me laugh out loud. After many chapters, I just had to stop and share the hilarious stories with my little sisters.This is one of my favorite missionary stories ever!!
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